Simple, economical and ergonomic!

Create moments of happiness thanks to our therapeutic garden.

Our ergonomic planters help innovative establishments wishing to easily set up well-being activities. The Verdurable therapeutic garden improves and stimulates the 5 senses of our seniors and people with reduced mobility.

Discover the therapeutic planter that suits you.

Why choose Verdurable planters?

User-friendly & 100% safe

Our planters have been designed so that several residents can garden at the same time and in complete safety.


On the market, Verdurable planters are the only ones fully adapted to the elderly and disabled.


After your purchase, we support you over the long term so that you can easily create the most beautiful garden in your neighborhood.

What are the benefits for your establishment?

Money saving

Profitable in the long term.
Our planters are designed so that you can organize your gardening activities for more than 10 years.

Non-drug therapy

Recommended by doctors for its cognitive and therapeutic benefits.
Our planters stimulate the neuronal capacities of seniors.

Time saving

Setting up interesting and accessible activities has never been easier.
Prepare your workshop in less than 5 minutes.

Qui est Verdurable ?

Founded in 2011 by Mrs. Luchun CHEN (sociologist) and Mr. Qi WU (designer and creator), Verdurable specializes in the creation and adaptation of ergonomic gardens.
Therapeutic or pedagogical, these planters are intended for institutions and individuals who wish to build an ergonomic garden. As the Chinese proverb says « who plants a garden plants happiness ».

What are the opinions of professionals?

Rehabilitation framework, Hôpital Bretonneau de Paris (AP-HP)

"The therapeutic garden is not only a well-appointed space, but it is above all a support for non-drug therapy, for a specific objective: to work on memory, to improve the double task (physical activity and brain activity), to enhance the social exchange, etc. "

Former Minister Delegate in charge of the Elderly and Autonomy

“Gardening is a factor of projection on the future, a factor of activities and a vector of sensations. You can see its fragrant herbs which connect us to the passage of time, the march of the seasons and the pleasure of living. there are more and more shared gardens, it is the key both indoors and outdoors, of intergenerational gardening, it is a cognitive tool, it relates to life. "

I want to create my therapeutic garden!

Please fill out the form for the creation of a therapeutic garden. We will contact you as soon as possible.

[caldera_form id="CF5f228de261a9a"]

They trust us

We have received a lot of support since the design of the ergonomic garden and we thank them.