Therapeutic Gardens

Our therapeutic gardens are used in social, medico-social or hospital establishments.

They are appreciated for its benefits such as stimulating the senses, increasing or maintaining memorization. So for its social, physical and psychological benefits.

Adaptable to all situations, they meet various physical and ambulatory needs. They find their raison d’être by providing their social, psychological and psychological benefits to patients, residents, autistic children… They are used in particular in the context of non-drug treatments.

Many establishments such as EHPAD, Alzheimer’s units, MAS have chosen the Verdurable therapeutic gardens.

Our Verdurable therapeutic planters :

1- Accessibility

We know that for the elderly or disabled, access to nature is complicated. Thus, we have designed a planter totally adapted for them allowing to put nature within reach.


difficult postures

Ergonomic solution

This raised garden, more precisely a height-adjustable garden, is accessible to people in wheelchairs. Thus, it allows these people with reduced mobility (PRM) to get closer to nature.

Raised planter, solid and suitable for disabled people.

2- Flexible organization of gardening workshops

Thanks to Verdurable planters you can garden indoors or outdoors. We give establishments the opportunity to offer residents activities throughout the year, and thus promote their motivation.

Climatic hazards

In bad weather: what can I do in my garden?

Summer too hot, winter too cold, plus inclement weather, the actual time spent gardening will be reduced even more.

Solution mobile

Un jardin mobile permet le rapprochement vers la nature durant toute l’année, véritable source de plaisir partagé.

Height-adjustable planter

Ideal for collective use

Around the garden all year round
The planter on wheels, you can move it indoors to garden all year round.

The planter has been specially designed for people in wheelchairs, The height is adjustable from 70 cm to 95 cm.

A garden at your fingertips
The planter adapts precisely to each user, sitting or standing, child or elderly.

Strong and durable
This product is resistant to cold and sun. It has a service life of over 10 years of use.

matière durable écologique entretien facile

ergonomic planter Hortense Comfot verdurable for therapeutic gardens

Our ergonomic tools: Specially adapted for our seniors

The ergonomics of the appropriate tools and accessories promote and ensure participation in gardening.

Pénibilité de préhension

Ergonomie de nos outils

Set of 4 tools stored in a box

Ergonomic & secure
Our tools have been designed to facilitate handling and user movements.

Comfortable grip
Our tools are light making the gripping pleasant.

Easy cleaning
The texture of the tool’s surface is smooth. It is very easy to clean at the end of each workshop session.

The Rehabilitation Service of the Bretonneau Hospital in Paris (APHP) contained the R&D of our tools on all ergonomic aspects.

therapeutic garden tools